Previše komplikujete

Na pitanje: ’How was your day?’ mučiš se da sastaviš odgovor: ’It was very hectic, we had a lot of meetings and discussed some very important things. Thank you for asking.’ Bolje reci: ’Busy. Lots of meetings.’ Or ’Quite slow. Managed to catch up with paperwork’.

Vežba: Odgovorite na sledeća pitanja:

  • How was your day? 🙂
  • How’s business?
  • How was your weekend/holiday?

Ne poznajete umetnost kratkih odgovora (nastavak razloga 1.)

  • Have you seen Tom? I have. I don’t think I have. I don’t think so. Not today. No, why?
  • Are you familiar with SQL? I am. I certainly am. Very much so.
  • Da li to znači da treba da kažete samo to? Naravno da ne. Nakon toga nastavite: Why are you looking for him? I have been using it for 3 years.

Vežba: odgovorite na ova pitanja:

  • Have you met my assistant Sandra?
  • Do you mind working overtime?
  • Are you busy at weekends?

Koristite pune forme pomoćnih i modalnih glagola (have, do, did, are, can, could…)

Umesto da kažete ’I have been working here for 2 years’, recite ’I’ve been working here for 2 years’. ’What is your position in the company?’ ’What’s your position in the company?’ We could have engaged an expert’, ’We could’ve engaged an expert.’ ’How has it been?’ ’How’s it been?’


  • Where’s he been?
  • How long do you think we’ll have to wait?
  • We must’ve met before.

Koristite samo ’jak’ izgovor reči (uglavnom pomoćnih i modalnih glagola)

Izgovarate jaku formu (strong form) reči. Na primer CAN u pitanjima i potvrdnim rečenicama. Can you help me with this, please? /kaen/ ne zvuči dobro. Isto tako i HAVE. Umesto /haev/ reci /h3v/. Probaj: Have you got a pen? I have a lot of work to do. U odričnim rečenicama ostaje jaka forma.


  • A: Have you seen my bag?
  • B: No, I haven’t. Where can it be?
  • A: I must’ve left it in the lobby.

Jaka forma se koristi u kratkim odgovorima: Who can help me? I can /kaen/. No, I can’t /ka:nt/ .
Have you got a minute? I have /haev/. I am sorry, I haven’t. /’haev3nt/

Želite da se prijavite? Pošaljite nam poruku.

Želite da se prijavite?
Pozovite nas.