Nema više potrebe da se osećate nesigurno kada koristite engleski na poslu. Dileme tipa da li sam upotrebio odgovarajuće vreme, nisam siguran da sam bio jasan, ne znam da li sam dobro razumeo, šta smo se sad dogovorili, šta znači ova reč, kako se kaže…, uopšte nisam čuo šta mi je gospodin rekao, dobiće svoje razrešenje.
Online programi
Apsolutna preporuka. Kurs je prilagođen meni i dodirnuli smo svaku temu koja je od velike važnosti za moj posao. Svakomo kome je poznavanje engleskog neophodno za napredovanje u poslu svakako preporučujem da se odvaže i upuste se u avanturu učenja engleskog koji je sa profersoricom jako zanimljiv, praktičan i dosta interaktivan. Nisam ni znao da postoje određene tehnike u razgovoru dok ih nisam savladao, stečena znanja koristim kako u poslovnom tako i privatnom životu.
Hi, my name is Marija. I attended a regular Business skills course and a super-intensive Business skills course. I am very satisfied with the results as well as the way Jelena lectures. The general impression about the classes is that they are interactive and that you feel free to say anything whenever you want, which is crucial for me. Another advantage is that in every class you know exactly which part of your knowledge of Business English you are working on.
A lot of well-designed exercises for improving both grammar and conversation skills are also what make this course unique and cost-effective. There is also never a lack of fun, thanks to Jelena and her wonderful energy. I recommend it to all those who want to improve their business skills in English and have fun while doing it! 🙂